Candidate Milliren answers our questions about running for O-W School Board


Last week we printed responses from three of the school board candidates. Here are the responses from the fourth.
Charlie Milliren
1. Briefly tell us about yourself (e.g. marital status, children, education, etc.)
Born and raised in Owen-Withee. Retired teacher and coach. Currently substitute teaching and officiating. Four grown sons with their own families. Have four grandchildren.
2. Why have you decided to run for Owen-Withee School Board?
Because I have been on the board for nine of the last 10 years and would like to continue serving.
3. What qualities about yourself do you feel would make/make you a good board member?
Knowing a lot about how a school system should and does operate. Been in schools most of my entire life.
4. What do you believe needs to be done to better fund school districts?
Keep working with the legislature and our representatives to change the funding formulas and for the state to pay more of special education expenses like they promised years ago.
5. If elected, is there anything you would like to see changed about how the Owen-Withee School District is run?
Not really, just continue where I left off last election..
6. What do you feel is the first priority for the coming year for the Owen-Withee School District?
Will decide that if and when I get elected. Been out of the loop for a year.
7. What do you feel is the answer to helping the Owen-Withee School District succeed even as enrollment has declined?
Not a whole lot can be done other than to continue offering what we do and maybe a little more to bring in non-resident students and not lose resident students to other districts. Can't force people to have more babies now, can we?