In a joint effort to safeguard our community, AbbyBank, Forward Bank, Northwestern Bank, and Prevail Bank have come together to educate community members and customers about the increasing threats of …
State Senator Jesse L. James (R-Altoona) has been honored by the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA) with a “WCA Outstanding Legislator Award” for his exceptional work on behalf of …
Air Frying has a fast-growing following, for good reason; the air fryer is a powerful, efficient cooking tool that utilizes time-tested technology with delicious results. In this class, Barb …
Classes are forming for the Strong Bodies programs in Greenwood. Classes will be held at the Greenwood High School in the old Gym. These classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning September …
Statewide public school enrollment in Wisconsin declined for the tenth straight year in 2023-24, with the nearly 9,000-student decline representing the second biggest one-year drop in the last …
The Clark County Health Department (CCHD) is reminding people to protect themselves from mosquito bites after the CCHD was notified on August 26 that a horse in Clark County tested positive for West …