Tale of two presidents

By Cindy Cardinal
Posted 7/24/24

In the words of my daughter, “Wow, what a week in the political realm.” I might say it is was tale of two presidents.

I agree with everyone who has said that no one in our country …

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Tale of two presidents


In the words of my daughter, “Wow, what a week in the political realm.” I might say it is was tale of two presidents.

I agree with everyone who has said that no one in our country should be shooting at a political candidate. That isn’t how we decide elections in this country. I did, however, find Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican Convention a little hard to take. Let us hope that his “near death” experience has made him a changed man. I doubt that it has. I prefer to think about the man who died and the others who were injured more so than the guy that got a nick on his ear that didn’t even require stitches. Hey, but he moved his head just in the nick of time.

He has gotten some good mileage out of it given the fact that ear wounds bleed a lot. Therefore, the pictures are out there of him being hustled off the stage by the Secret Service with blood running down his face. And, of course, he walks around with that big bandage on his ear. Not sure why, given if it didn’t require stitches, it probably doesn’t require a bandage either. Maybe he thinks the bandage will get him more votes than a deformed ear.

There has also been a lot of talk about the unity that was visible at the Convention. Unfortunately, following the cult of Trump does not speak to unity. I was extremely disappointed in Nikki Haley. I never thought she would cave in and be a groupie.

On the other hand, we have President Joe Biden who made a last minute decision to drop out of the race. It shows a willingness on his part to put what is in the best interest of the nation in front of what he might personally desire. I respect that. It would have been nice if he had done it a little sooner, but better late than never. He now has about six months to try to accomplish what he wants to as president without worrying about hurting anybody’s feelings. And maybe he will leave a legacy that historians will find interesting rather than what might have occurred had he held out until the bitter end.

I’m not that big a fan of Kamala Harris either, but at least we have a choice involving something besides two old men. It’s not that I don’t think old people have the brain power to serve as president, but it has proven to be a job that requires a lot of stamina and ages people during their time in office. So something under 70 might be okay.

Unless Democrats unite firmly behind Harris very rapidly, it could throw the party into chaos. But it seems they are already taking steps in that direction with her potential opponents deciding not to challenge her. They will probably now be jockeying to be the vice presidential candidate.

And true to form, Trump’s first comment about Harris was to call her crazy. So his misogynistic attitude hasn’t gone away. If he wants to see crazy, maybe he needs to look in a mirror.

As has been pointed out by many, we now have a candidate who prosecuted felons running against a convicted felon, one I might add who had he let a judge sentence him might not have been available to be in the path of that assassin’s bullet. The next couple of weeks will give us an idea of what is and is not possible for both parties. In the meantime, there is a new horse in the race, one with her own skills and background that she needs to make everyone aware of. That way when we go to the ballot box in November, we will know what we are voting for or against.