Report Date: December 4, 2023
All Other Violations
Ramirezperez, Assir; Chili; 35; Operate UTV w/out Valid Safety Certificate; $232.00. Operate All-Terrain Vehicle or Utility Terrain …
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Report Date: December 4, 2023
All Other Violations
Ramirezperez, Assir; Chili; 35; Operate UTV w/out Valid Safety Certificate; $232.00. Operate All-Terrain Vehicle or Utility Terrain Vehicle w/o Valid Registration; $232.00.
Rupnow, Chad Allen; Humbird; 39; Breeding Place for Vermin; $150.00.
Safe Sheds Delivery LLC; Colby; Operate Vehicle (Excess Width) w/o Permit; $200.50.
Sandoval, Terra Linn; Humbird; 33; Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Charge Dismissed but Read In. Uniform Controlled Substance Act Violation; Charge Dismissed but Read In. Disorderly Conduct; $398.01.
Saso Cardona, Jose Gilberto; Colby; 41; OWI (1st); Dismissed on Court's Own Motion. Operating w/PAC >=0.15 (1st); Ignition interlock, DOT License Revoked 7 Months, Other Sentence, $1,069.00.
Schoolmaster, Chad Michael; Neillsville; 42; Operating While Revoked (Forfeiture 1st); $200.50.
Schutz, David Scott; Neillsville; 40; Unsafe Cutting in When Passing; $232.00. Reckless Driving-Endanger Safety; $389.50. Exceeding Speed Zones, etc. (45+ MPH); DOT License Suspended 15 Days, $515.50. Passing in No-Passing Zone; $213.10.
Solberg, Laura Renee; Greenwood; 58; Cruelty to Animals; $200.50.
Stern, Timothy G.; Neillsville; 69; Domesticated Animals at Large 1st offense; $263.50.
Strey, Kyle Edward; Loyal; 32; Vehicle Operator Fail/Wear Seat Belt; $18.00.
Tentzohua Sanchez, Jorge; Stanley; 27; Operating w/PAC >=0.08, <0.15 (1st); Dismissed on Court's Own Motion. OWI (1st); Ignition interlock, DOT License Revoked 7 Months, Other Sentence, $1,069.00.
Tenzohua Tehuacatl, Feliciano; Owen; 44; OWI (1st); Ignition interlock, DOT License Revoked 7 Months, Other Sentence, $1,069.00. Possess Open Intoxicants in MV-Driver; $263.50. Operating w/PAC >=0.15 (1st); Dismissed on Court's Own Motion.
Tinajero, Ashley Rae; Loyal; 36; Operating While Suspended; Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion.
Turczyn, Samantha Jean; Neillsville; 34; Passing in No-Passing Zone; $213.10.
Valencia, Kevin; Abbotsford; 17; Deviation from Designated Lane; $175.30.
Vanluven, Sarah J.; Abbotsford; 40; Misappropriate ID Info Obtain Money; Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion. Theft-False Representation <=$2500; Probation, sentence withheld, $2,153.00. Theft-False Representation <=$2500; Probation, sentence withheld, $443.00 (2x).
Zakrzewicz, Michele Elizabeth; Greenwood; 35; Trespass to Land; $263.50.
Zamora, Mario; Lublin; 55; Disorderly conduct w/motor vehicle; $315.00.
Zimmer, Stephen Patrick; Owen; 62; Disorderly conduct w/motor vehicle; $214.50.
Report Date: December 19, 2023
Speeding - $295
Conry, Ryan Patrick; Withee; 16.
Speeding - $250.90
Rueth, Tonya M.; Unity; 36. Velasco Mendoza, Jose Alfredo; Thorp; 35.
Speeding - $225.70
Diaz Tiburcio, Joshua; Abbotsford; 26. Marquardt, Brooke Jean; Owen; 24. Martin, Wesley Huber; Colby; 18. Weaver, John David; Stetsonville; 20.
Speeding - $200.50
Bymers, Jayden Faith; Neillsville; 20. Lamovec, Patricia Ann; Willard; 58. Nagel, Alley Amber; Stanley; 18. Ruiz Maradiaga, Luis Antonio; Stanley; 28. Venet, Bailey Scott; Owen; 22.
Speeding - $175.30
Kaiser, Andrew John; Stetsonville; 29. Lew, Austin Ray; Withee; 25. Potaczek, Lauren Kate; Stanley; 17. Zimmerman, Seth High; Loyal; 18. Zimmerman, Elam L.; Thorp; 66.
Non-Registration of Vehicle-Auto <10,000 lbs. - $175.30
Duss, Colton C.; Thorp; 39. Fitzl, Mark Edward; Owen; 52. Kauffman, Jerome Edward; Loyal; 55. Tehuacatlcolohua, Heriberto; Granton; 22.
Operating a Vehicle Without a Valid License - $200.50
Hernandez Montenegro, Noe Gamaliel; Dorchester; 28. Ruiz Maradiaga, Luis Antonio; Stanley; 28. Salas Sanchez, Hedilberto; Loyal; 32. Vazquez Cruz, Ever Alexis; Colby; 24. Zamora Santos, Jose; Owen; 35.
Operating a Vehicle While Suspended - $200.50
Alvarezhernandez, Jose; Medford; 41. Euclide, Matthew James; Medford; 25. Franklin, Brian Randall; Greenwood; 51. Hernandez Garcia, Efrain; Thorp; 28. Kern, Peter Joseph; Neillsville; 35. Knutson, Nathan A.; Owen; 37. Rindt, John Joseph; Lublin; 41. Rost, Krystal Kay; Greenwood; 39.
Operating a Vehicle Without Insurance - $200.50
Crow, Kristine A.; Willard; 37. Gerber, Brendan Dean; Humbird; 26. Hernandez Montenegro, Noe Gamaliel; Dorchester; 28 Much, Richard Lavern; Owen; 53. Scott, James Francis; Owen; 22. Tehuacatlcolohua, Heriberto; Granton; 22.
Operating a Vehicle Without Proof of Insurance - $10
Escobar, Sheryl Ann; Thorp; 36. Hibbard, Issac Dean; Thorp; 30. Lewis, Nikeshia Lynn; Stanley; 38. Lobacz, Lydia Sue; Withee; 17. Riihinen, Joseph Isaiah; Owen; 25. Roehl, Maverick Ryan; Loyal; 22. Ruiz Maradiaga, Luis Antonio; Stanley; 28. Schaefer, Kelsey Marie; Abbotsford; 32. Schoelzel, Trey Alexander; Owen; 19. Smith, Cody James; Unity; 27. Smith, Keith Allen; Owen; 38. Wynn, Kaden Michael; Greenwood; 18. Zamora Santos, Jose; Owen; 35.
All Other Violations
Burkholder, Glendon Zimmerman; Greenwood; 21; Trespass to Land; $263.50.
Burkholder, Ryan Leinbach; Withee; 22; Trespass to Land; $263.50.
Conry, Ryan Patrick; Withee; 16; Operating While Suspended; DOT License Suspended 15 Days, $200.50.
Dachel, Shane J.; Gilman; Issue of Worthless Checks (<=$2500); Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion.
Diaz Tiburcio, Joshua; Abbotsford; 26; Operating While Revoked (Forfeiture 4th); $389.50. Display False Vehicle Registration Plate; $263.50.
Durst, Allen Michael; Neillsville; 64; Fail/Slow Vehicle-Passing Stop Emergency Vehicle; $263.50.
Elmhorst, Summer Jane; Neillsville; 18; Speeding in 55 MPH Zone (25-29 MPH); DOT License Suspended 15 Days, $250.90.
Franklin, Brian Randall; Greenwood; 51; Failure of Operator to Notify Police of Accident; $389.50. Failure to Keep Vehicle Under Control; $213.10.
Hanson, Stephanie P.; Withee; 39; Refuse to Take Test for Intoxication After Arrest; Charge Dismissed but Read In. Failure of Operator to Notify Police of Accident; Charge Dismissed but Read In; $389.50.
Hawkey, Todd Leo; Abbotsford; 49; Operating w/PAC >=0.08, <0.15 (1st); DOT License Revoked 7 Months; Alcohol assessment, $1,069.00. Failure to Keep Vehicle Under Control; Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion. OWI (1st); Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion.
Hemstrom, Joshua Paul; Neillsville; 41; Vehicle Operator Fail/Wear Seat Belt; $18.00.
Hernandez Montenegro, Noe Gamaliel; Dorchester; 28; Operating w/PAC >=0.08, <0.15 (1st); Dismissed on Court's Own Motion. OWI (1st); DOT License Revoked 7 Months, Ignition interlock, Costs; Alcohol assessment, Other fees, $1,139.00. Possess Open Intoxicants in MV-Driver; $263.50. Deviation from Designated Lane; $175.30.
Hewitt, Sandra Alayne; Greenwood; 49; Disorderly Conduct Violation by adult; $326.50.
Hibbard, Issac Dean; Thorp; 30; Operating While Revoked (Forfeiture 1st); $200.50.
Hoover, Austin Jay; Owen; 20; Trespass to Land; $263.50.
Hoover, Delbert Eugene; Owen; 21; Trespass to Land; $263.50.
Horning, Glenn Lee; Owen; 23; Trespass to Land; $263.50.
Jakel, James Robert; Abbotsford; 68; Fail to Obtain Construction Site Stormwater Discharge Permit at Least 14 Days Before Construction; Dismissed on Court's Own Motion. Fail to Develop an Appropriate Site Specific Erosion Control Plan; Dismissed on Court's Own Motion.
Kerksieck, Stephanie A.; Withee; 36; Neglecting a Child (Specified Harm Did Not Occur); Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion. Neglecting a Child (Specified Harm Did Not Occur); Charge Dismissed but Read In.
Krug, Chase W.; Greenwood; 25; Possession of Methamphetamine; Charge Dismissed but Read In. Possession of THC; Charge Dismissed but Read In.
Lewis, Nikeshia Lynn; Stanley; 38; Fail/Stop at Stop Sign; $175.30.
Lis, James F.; Thorp; 63; Failure to Yield Right of Way; $187.90.
Mccall, Kansas Faye; Loyal; 23; Fail/Display Vehicle License Plates; $150.10.
Meyer, Mandy L.; Withee; 52; Graffiti; Charge Dismissed but Read In. Disorderly Conduct [Domestic Abuse Assessments] [Domestic Abuse]; Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion. Disorderly Conduct [Domestic Abuse Assessments] [Domestic Abuse]; Charge Dismissed but Read In.
Nielsen Transport LLC; Granton; Violation of Seasonal Crop Weight Limits; $1,538.85.
Nolt, Benjamin Martin; Colby; 20; Trespass to Land; $263.50.
Nowak, John Galen; Medford; 60; Vehicle Operator Fail/Wear Seat Belt; $18.00.
Olson, Cody Oscar; Loyal; 32; Vehicle Operator Fail/Wear Seat Belt; $18.00.
Quality Foam And Fiber LLC; Owen; Vehicle Equipment Violations-Group 3; $175.30.
Rathkey, Jessica Florence; Neillsville; 39; Refuse to Take Test for Intoxication After Arrest; Refusal Found Not Reasonable; Costs, Ignition interlock, DOT License Revoked 12 Months, Alcohol assessment, $50.00.
Riihinen, Joseph Isaiah; Owen; 25; Display False Vehicle Registration Plate; $263.50.
Salas Sanchez, Hedilberto; Loyal; 32; Failure of Operator to Notify Police of Accident; $389.50.
Sauer Family Farms LLC; Thorp; Vehicle Equipment Violations-Group 3; Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion. Violate Class A Hwy Weight Limits; Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion. Violate Class B Hwy Weight Limits; $6,435.75.
Schraufnagel, Reagan Marie; Abbotsford; 17; Keep Open Intoxicants in MV-Owner; $263.50.
Spencer, Walter Dean; Neillsville; 71; Place, Use, Hunt Over or Train Dogs with Unauthorized or Illegal Bait - >25 gallons of bait; $745.50. Place, Use, Hunt Wild Animals with Bait (<5 Gallons); $343.50.
Staab, Matthew James; Withee; 34; Operate w/o Valid License b/c Expiration; $162.70.
Tehuacatlcolohua, Heriberto; Granton; 22; Operate w/o Carrying License; Costs, $181.50.
Theiler, Thomas Eugene; Humbird; 71; Breeding Place for Vermin; Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion.
Trojan, Ashley Marie; Loyal; 35; Habitual Truancy Parent Permitting; $200.50.
Vazquez Cruz, Ever Alexis; Colby; 24; OWI (1st); DOT License Revoked 7 Months, Ignition interlock, Costs, Alcohol assessment, $1,119.00. Deviation from Designated Lane; $175.30. Operating w/PAC >=0.08, <0.15 (1st); Dismissed on Court's Own Motion.
Wallace, Dale L.; Humbird; 60; Bail Jumping-Felony; Charge Dismissed but Read In. OWI (4th); Dismissed on Prosecutor's Motion. Ignition Interlock Device Tampering/Failure to Install/Violate Court Order; Charge Dismissed but Read In. Operating While Revoked (Forfeiture 1st); Charge Dismissed but Read In. Operating w/PAC (4th); Probation, sentence withheld, Ignition interlock, DOT License Revoked 36 Months. $3,127.00.
Wnek, Terri Ann; Thorp; 35; Fail/Stop at Stop Sign; $175.30.
Young, Michael J.; Gilman; 40; Manufacture/Deliver Heroin (<3g); Charge Dismissed but Read In. 2nd-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety; State prison. Extended Supervision. $8,179.40. Possession of Narcotic Drugs; Probation, sentence withheld; $518.00. Possess Drug Paraphernalia; Charge Dismissed but Read In.
Zimmerman, Linford; Owen; 22; Trespass to Land; $263.00.