
Design & Designer

By Pastor Carl Swarr Curtiss Alliance Church
Posted 4/17/24

We all enjoy the things of life around us. We live in homes whether new or old and understand that someone designed them and built them. If we need a repair done, we either go to the local store and …

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Design & Designer


We all enjoy the things of life around us. We live in homes whether new or old and understand that someone designed them and built them. If we need a repair done, we either go to the local store and buy the necessary things and repair them or hire a carpenter to come and fix it. We all drive vehicles that get more complex with electronic sensors and instruments to aid us in our transportation needs. We have computers and cell phones that give us finger tip communication with others and the internet. In all these things no one would look at them and say they just happened. They were all designed by someone and constructed or built by someone. Most of our gadgets and cars have the name of the manufacturer right in place so that we can easily see it.

Our world and universe is no different. The earth turns precisely to give us darkness for sleep and light for work and growth. The distance from the sun is so precise that we experience the range of temperatures that enable us to survive and live. As one looks around the universe, there is no other place on any other planet that would support human life as we have it here. One needs to only look at his or her own physical body. We all started at conception with the merging of two cells that contained DNA molecules and genes that brought about our size and shape. Under our skin we have seven types of sensory cells that let us know the temperature and pressure of an object at hand. All our cells are connected with an amazing set of blood vessels that bring food and oxygen to every living cell and then collect the waste products for disposal. We have amazing cameras of eyes to see and wonderful ears to hear. If we damage or cut ourselves it heals. In all honesty there is no way that we can look at these things and not be convinced that there was a design and designer. These things that are so precise could not have happened by chance no matter how many years we add to the hit and miss process of chance.

The Designer has revealed Himself to us through the Bible and enveloped Himself by becoming one of us as a man, Jesus. He paid the ultimate price of His death to make it possible for us to know Him. He states that this is life which if we are willing to join in with Him becomes life eternal. In John 17:3, Jesus stated that this is eternal life to know God and Jesus Christ whom God sent. He gives this invitation for us to know Him through prayer and the Bible.

The Bible actually makes this statement in Romans 1:20. “For the invisible things of Him (God, Designer) from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” The struggle with us as humans is that we falsely think that we can avoid accountability with our Designer by substituting other thoughts and theories. The prayer is that each one of us would take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to know our Designer and turn to Him for forgiveness and life and dedicate our living and serving to Him each day.

May God, the Designer of you, richly bless you!