Owen Downtown Revitalization needs you to help Owen bloom


Spring is in the air and it is that time of year when the Owen Downtown Revitalization Committee needs your help. Hanging baskets will appear on Central Avenue around Memorial Day. They are paid for with donations from people like you, and funds can be donated in memory of someone. You can find more information on the Owen Downtown Revitalization Facebook page, in Owen water bills, at Owen City Hall, or talk to a DRC member.
In addition, the DRC and Growin’ Owen maintain a number of flower beds around town. This is all done with volunteer help. Volunteers are needed to help plant, weed, and water these beds that help make the city beautiful. Volunteers are also needed to help water the hanging baskets.
The Farmers Market will also begin in June, but it can only continue and be a success if people are willing to bring produce to sell and people come to buy. The food is locally grown, is fresh, and is a healthy option.
So consider giving a little of your time to help Owen Bloom for You in 2024. Also, come to the Farmers Market and support your local farmers and gardeners.