Lublin village board accepts pre-buy rate, residents can opt-in

By Joseph Back
Posted 8/14/24

The Lublin Village Board met Thursday August 8. Among the takeaways are new LP rates, set at $1.299 with pre-buy and $1.349 without. Those in Lublin wishing to be included on a list for the rate as …

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Lublin village board accepts pre-buy rate, residents can opt-in


The Lublin Village Board met Thursday August 8. Among the takeaways are new LP rates, set at $1.299 with pre-buy and $1.349 without. Those in Lublin wishing to be included on a list for the rate as quoted should contact Roxy Kahan at the Town of Roosevelt, phone number 715-669-7079.

The village board approved an LP pre-buy of $2,500 for 1,925 gallons.

Also in Village of Lublin news, the board approved a Lublin/Thorp Fire District ordinance related to billing, with motion made by Village President Randy Madlon and seconded by Trustee Hermann Klarr after reading of the ordinance.

“We just need to help them update their records is what it comes down to,” Madlon said of Ordinance 2024-01.

The board also reviewed the question of non-use sewer rates for apartments at the Old School, deciding to table the issue until next month.

Prior to being tabled, it was shared that when the school, now divided into five apartments, was used for educational purposes that it had been set at 50 units. Concerns were raised about privacy and the burden of responsibility put on the apartment complex to notify the village when occupied, with the sewer rate backdated when this was not done. The current occupancy rate is $90.

Also at the August meting, the board tabled the question of an auto generator for the lift station awaiting further information. The board moved to abandon an alleyway in the village touching on Warsaw, Durski, Taylor, and Church Streets. Motion to approve the alleyway abandonment was made by President Madlon and seconded by Compagnone.

Next for board discussion was the closure of the railroad crossing at Warsaw and Railroad Streets.

The only road connection in or out for W13297 Warsaw Street, the issue is complicated by need of providing a driveway for village resident and trustee Hermann Klarr. A resident since 2018, Klarr is blocked in when there is a train stopped on the railway.

“When there’s a driveway I’m responsible for it as a resident,” Klarr said of thoughts on the matter. “When there’s a road the village is responsible.”

Warsaw Street is currently the only outlet for Klarr’s residence. It was decided that the village will gauge interest of property owners in selling land for such a driveway as it continues to work with the railroad on closing the railroad crossing.

Closing out official meeting business was a dead tree on Taylor Street, just south of the intersection with Lublin Street.

“If it falls the wrong way it’s going to go on a home,” President Madlon said of the dead tree. “If it falls the right way it’s going to go in the woods.”

It was decided that quotes would be sought on tree removal.

Moving to open discussion, a resident asked about ditch mowing by the county, his unmoved property sporting mature lily pads in a dry ditch.

“What about my property?” he asked, county boom mowers are supposed to have gone through on county highways.

In other village news, Lublin has not yet seen any funds for the ball diamonds, while paperwork on road funding had been resubmitted after some confusion on the state’s end.

The next village board meeting at Lublin is scheduled for September 12 at the village hall. All are welcome.