Tapping into the joy of spring


Martin Luther once said, “God has written the promise of new life not just in books alone but in every leaf in the springtime.”

Springtime in Wisconsin brings snow flurries and rain showers, heat and freezing temperatures. Just when you pack up or push your sweaters, scarves, hats to the back of the closet, a cold wind blows again.

This year I am back on recess duty and with that am the enforcer of appropriate outdoor attire. This year, there has been quite a swing in temperatures beginning in February when we thought spring arrived and kids were allowed to wear long sleeves instead of coats and hats. When of course, the temps dropped to freezing again, there was a steady line of kids heading to the office to borrow mittens, hats, snowpants, boots and sometimes even coats. This week at the early morning recess, I saw a student wearing a winter coat with shorts. He was ready for the frosty morning and the afternoon warm up.

I like the symbolism that this boy, dressed for both winter and spring. The winter jacket means he is ready for the inevitable cold that an early morning spring day delivers. He doesn’t necessarily like wearing the coat which reminds him of the frigid winter recesses but he is realistic and sensible. And why be cold if you don’t have to be, right? His pants free bottom half reveals the hope he has that the sun will soon shine warmly. He dreams that in a short while the joy of feeling the warm breeze on his legs and the freedom of running and playing unfettered by his thick coat will not dampen his spring fever.

My sunny thought for the week is that we all can tap into that springtime fountain of rejuvenation. I wish we all experience the hope that spring can grow in our hearts. Maybe we aren’t able to run and climb and play like we did when we were children but perhaps find other ways to soak in spring. For me, watching the reactions of children after they have shed the oppressive winter gear and feel the sunshine on their skin once again sprouts hope and childlike bliss in my heart.

Have a sunny week!