The power of prayer

Posted 7/9/24

A compassionate woman from St. Katherine’s (who would like to be left unnamed) approached me a few years ago about installing a prayer box in front of her church in Owen. She strongly believes …

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The power of prayer


A compassionate woman from St. Katherine’s (who would like to be left unnamed) approached me a few years ago about installing a prayer box in front of her church in Owen. She strongly believes in the power of prayer and wanted to share it with her community. I think it is a wonderful way to connect with the community.

 I have been praying all my life. At every meal growing up our family would say the table prayer, “Come Lord Jesus, be our guest let this food to us be blessed.” As a child I would kneel before my bed and pray “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I praythe Lord my soul to take.” I passed down these traditional prayers to my daughters. It was only a few years ago when I heard my daughter pray this with her young daughters that I realized how morbid and potentially scary this prayer could be for a child. Every night before going to sleep thinking about the possibility of dying in your sleep?  Hmmmm, that could explain the way I look at life. I have always (and I am sure I am not alone in this) fixated on my mortality. When will it happen? How will it happen? Will I go to heaven? There was a period of my life when I feared what might happen to me or others after death. Thankfully, I have grown in my knowledge of the Bible (with the help of a brilliant bible scholar I know) and relationship with God and know that God’s love triumphs over all. My prayers have always included a long list of please bless and insert a loved one’s name. Over the years my prayers have evolved from a wish list to more of… help me to understand your will and if the worst happens, please give me the strength to endure it and discover the deeper truth. I trust that God knows what is best and even when the most horrific thing happens in your life, we are made stronger for it. There is peace that comes when you surrender to that notion and to let yourself “Be Still and Know that I am God.”

Several years ago, a scientific study was conducted on the healing power of prayer which revealed prayer does have the real power to heal. The study had people praying for others who were ill without the knowledge that they were being prayed for and results revealed prayer did help them heal. That’s great! But to me I don’t need scientific proof of the potency of prayer. Sometimes God answers your prayers and sometimes God doesn’t or at least not how you would like them to be answered. There is no scientific test to determine why, when or how, God only knows.

In my eyes, it’s the people behind the prayers that make it powerful. When someone says they are praying for you, it instantly makes you feel loved and connected and part of something much bigger and stronger than yourself. Along with those silent prayers, often come words of encouragement, a hug, a card or other acts of kindness. Sending up those positive thoughts many times leads to a chain reaction of kind acts which can really make those prayers come true.

When it seems nothing can be done, you feel helpless, the pain is endless, sorrow cannot be overcome, prayer can be the only form of release or relief. If you feel lonely, like no one cares or even knows you are hurting, reach out to someone, or drop a line at St. Katherine’s prayer box. Prayer is good for the soul, it is beneficial for those who send up the prayers and those who are on the receiving end.

And speaking of being on the receiving end, my husband Travis and I are so grateful for all the prayers sent our way. The kind words, thoughts, actions and prayers have truly made a difference in our lives. Rays of light have shone down on our household, brightening spirits and literally making us stronger.

Keep on the sunny side!