Weekend O-W Kid’s Meals Notes

May 8, 2024

Posted 5/15/24

The W-O-W Kids’ Meals Steering Committee met on May 8, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Nazareth Lutheran Church Hall.

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Weekend O-W Kid’s Meals Notes

May 8, 2024


The W-O-W Kids’ Meals Steering Committee met on May 8, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Nazareth Lutheran Church Hall. The meeting was called to order at 4:58 p.m. Present were: Cathy Laube, Lyle Roe, Ruth Thompson, Cindy Cardinal, Chuck Petersen and Noel Barteck.

Treasurer’s Report: Fundraising money is still coming in, with several donations over $500 being received. Ruth reports our balance is currently $ 6,943.25.

Ordering Specialists report: Cathy indicated that currently 35 students are regularly receiving food, which is serving 26 families. The past few weeks some students did not get their food due to conflicts with state testing.

Feed My People input for the program: No FMP representative was in attendance, and Ashley did not respond to Noel’s request for input.

Feedback from school: Julie said that the number of bags being packed every other week does not need to be adjusted at this time. At this time we plan to do 12 bags each time for the summer school students.

Fundraising: An application for funds has been sent to the WeatherShield Lite Foundation – decision will follow the August 31 deadline. The Clark County Dairy Promotion Board has pledged 40 milk vouchers for the week prior to a holiday (Easter). Donations are coming in sporadically, and Prevail Bank held a shredding event on May 1, and has confirmed a donation of $1,000 for the program because over 1,000 pounds of paper was collected. Thank you to Lyle Roe, Cathy Laube and Noel for helping with this fundraising event.

Summer schedule: Summer School – runs June 3–21, we have scheduled bag preparation for June 5 & 19.

Last year the Marriers and Cathy delivered food to the student’s homes during the summer. Any volunteers to help for this summer?

Evaluation forms have been given to teachers, parents and students; also requests for summer food were placed in the bags on Tuesday, and are to be returned to the school office.

Set date for next meeting – Our next meeting is scheduled for August 14 to look at the 2024–2025 school year.

Other business: A large family received food on a weekly basis last summer and it came into question if it was appropriate for us to continue this practice. The consensus was that this would set a bad precedent, and that the family would be informed of other area services and pantries that they could access for assistance.

Adjourn: 5:18 p.m.